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Songs for when...

Welcome to Songs For When... The music podcast designed to help you find the perfect playlist for every occasion. The point of this project is to compile playlists for very niche, yet relatable, moods, settings, feelings and scenarios. There was no revelation or great idea, this is just something we used to do together for fun!


The idea is, we come up with a scenario, for example, 'it's snowing and you want to pretend you're in a music video', and then we come up with songs that fit that scenario. So, the first song on this playlist would, of course, be 'All I Have' by LL Cool J and Jennifer Lopez, and we feel this absolutely needs no explanation.


We used to have so much fun doing this, and not only thought we could talk about it for hours, but, that other people might like to hear us talk about it too. And with that, Songs For When... was born. As well as sharing our playlists, we also have a good old chinwag about the songs we've chosen, occasionally going into some real detail (George knows a lot of random stuff) and often being disapproving of one another (mostly Em being disapproving of George). 

 Listen to season one...   

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